Student Parking Permits

Seniors are eligible for a parking permit if they have a certified New Jersey driver’s license and have completed the parking form on FamilyID.  Once this form is completed by the student and parent and submitted to the main office, he/she will be permitted to drive to school and park within assigned spot on campus upon receiving a parking hang tag.

Juniors will be eligible to drive to school and park on campus once senior tags have been distributed.  Permits are subject to availability.

One parking permit will be issued to each driver, after a vehicle registration card is completed and signed by the parent/guardian and student. Cost of the permit will be $10.00 and must be displayed on the rear view mirror while parked on campus. 

Miscellaneous information:

  • Cars must be properly parked in each white-lined space.

  • Speeding, careless, or reckless driving will not be tolerated.

  • Students are not to loiter in or at their cars or in the parking lot neither upon arrival or after school.

  • Students will not be permitted to go to their cars during the school day.

  • Students are expected to be on time for school each and every day.

  • The speed limit on the school parking lot is 10 mph.

  • Smoking in cars is not permitted while on school district property.

  • Students must get an Administrator’s permission to visit their vehicle.Students not registered on campus will NOT be provided permission to visit their vehicles during school hours.

Failure to comply with any of the above rules and regulations may result in the loss of your parking privileges and/or having the vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.

NOTE: Practice driving is no longer permitted on the school parking lot. This includes practice driving with a certified driving school instructor or a non-certified instructor such as a parent, guardian, friend, etc.

The school will not be held responsible for any stolen property or accidents which occur in the Delran High School parking lot.

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